Charge back up

This is our collective reminder.

To use the weekend to rest and recharge our batteries as much as we can.

We charge our phones and laptops when the batteries are low.

As humans, we have to recharge to an even greater extent.

We need to work on letting go of needing to be busy all the time - particularly on the weekend.

And let’s get intentional about it in advance.

So your weekends aren’t bananas.

You won’t see me going to 10 kid activities on a weekend.

I don’t say yes to every kid birthday party.

Because if my three kids are over-scheduled, that means I am, which is a no-go.

And one thing that has helped my wellbeing so much is learning to carve out time for me to move my body, write and just be alone…. Especially on the weekend.

We all deserve to give ourselves space away from work, family we love with everything we have, and all our responsibilities to rest and recharge.

What will you do this weekend to rest and recharge?


It’s time


Time management