It’s time

It's time to start practicing what it would look like to actually take your power back.

Because you'll never feel ready to make a change. You simply decide enough is enough.

You decide you're no longer going to accept the status quo anymore.

And you decide your actions will start reflecting that intention.

You'll always find an excuse not to take steps to move closer to what you say you really want.

Those excuses sound very logical to us.

Those excuses feel like rational decisions, but they're just a host of fears disguised as intellectualizing.

They cover up the real obstacles in your way: fear of loss, of judgment, of rejection, of it not working out the way you expect, of it not being worth it, and more.

It's time to take all the fears with you for the ride, and get in the driver's seat.

You're driving - not your fears, not your colleagues, not your family, not your parents, not your friends, not your professional circles.

You're living your life. No one else can do this for you.

It's time to claim the life you want and deserve by acting like it.

I'm right here with you.

This is my reminder too.

Share with someone who needs to hear this too.


Magical motivation


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